The T d'Oc 2021 Ecological Transition awarded to Wastendsea

Céline and Daniel Rodriguez receive the T d'Oc 2021 trophy, Ecological Transition category, from Christophe Ramond, President of the Tarn Departmental Council, and in the presence of Michel Bossi, President of the CCI, and Raphaël Bernardin, Mayor of Saint -Sulpice la Pointe.
The eco-responsible textile company Wastendsea received the trophy from the hands of Christophe Ramond, president of the Tarn departmental council, this Thursday evening on the stage of the Palais des Congrès in Mazamet, in front of 500 people invited by "Le Journal d'Ici", in the presence of many personalities including Vincent Garel, representative Carole Delga, president of the regional council, Fabrice Cabral, vice-president of the Association of mayors and elected officials of the Tarn, the president of the CCI Michel Bossi, the president of the Chamber of Trades Jean-Michel Camps, many mayors and representatives of the socio-professional and associative fabric of the department.
Discover the 4 initiatives selected in this category
Launched by the Tarn and Lauragais media "Le Journal d'Ici", the third edition of the T d'Oc ("Tarn, Territories of Talents") operation aims to distinguish five innovative and successful initiatives, in partnership with the Regional Council of Occitanie, the Departmental Council of Tarn, the Association of mayors and elected officials of the Tarn and with the participation of the city of Mazamet, the Chamber of trades and crafts of the Tarn, the Chamber trade and industry of the Tarn, Saveurs du Tarn and the cellars of Labastide.
Taken by associations, companies, local authorities or individuals, these initiatives have in common to contribute to local development in their respective regions.
The categories selected for 2021 were: Animation, Heritage, Local production, Employment and inclusion and Ecological transition.
Since September, readers of the weekly "Le Journal d'Ici" and its digital media have been able to discover twenty initiatives (four per category) and have been invited to vote on the site, to designate a winner per category. .
The Night of the territories, during which the winners of the T d'Oc 2021 are unveiled, takes place this Thursday evening at the Palais des Congrès in Mazamet around products from the Saveurs du Tarn and Sud de France regions.
The Rodriguez family surfs on marine litter

Daniel and Céline Rodriguez, looking at the future of their Wastendsea brand. JDI (CP)
It's a family story, born during the first confinement last spring. Rather than wait and mope, the Rodriguez family matured an extraordinary project. The father, Daniel, designer and textile consultant, was thinking of creating a brand in his branch. Not just anyhow, and not just anything...
Discussions with his wife Céline, and their two daughters aged 17 and 14 years, ended up being successful while the youngest sketched the first sketches: the birth of the company Wastendsea is working!
Using plastic discarded at the bottom of the sea remains the first step "to educate young people about cleaning, and show them the need to be eco-responsible". And more trendy! In this way t-shirts and sweatshirts are designed to appeal to young people in the 15-25 age group year. "They're usually into fashion and we've put together a surf, trendy, California design!" But yes, you can live in Saint-Sulpice and be passionate about surfing. This is the case of the family, which bets on ecology and which surfs on the wave of fashion. “We manufacture from plastic collected from the oceans and we include polyester which is also recycled. In addition, there is organic cotton. For better comfort.
Online sale in November
It was in Spain that they found their supplier: Seaqual transforms the plastic collected at sea. In the Landes, in the other surfing region, there is the brother of Daniel Rodriguez: he audits textile companies and verifies product traceability. In Morocco, we find the manufacturing but it is here that the screen printing and the packaging are done.
A family story so that young people, the public targeted by the brand, find what they are looking for. "We entrusted the representation of the brand to a group of eight young people, models selected from our entourage", says Celine.
The couple also decided to keep their job. "We do not intend to do business internationally but first of all to federate." And to specify that 1% of the turnover will be donated to Rescue Ocean. Because the approach is above all eco-responsible and ecological. A great initiative that also plays the card of seduction and trend.